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Herriman Journal

Ghosting ghosts

Oct 20, 2021 12:48PM ● By Cassie Goff

The Stanley Hotel is Colorado is rumored to be riddled with ghosts. (Cassie Goff/City Journals)

By Cassie Goff | [email protected]

As the Halloween season looms near, the fear of supernatural beings does too. Decorations remind us of the existence of ghosts, vampires, goblins, werewolves, and other non-human creatures. We may even become a bit more startled by that unexplained noise in the middle of the night. We might wonder if others from beyond share our space.

There are many stories, myths, and folklores concerning ghosts throughout historical contexts. The common foundational plot for all these tales is a spirit has moved on from its original form and is now somewhere between our world and the afterlife. Some lore focuses on the ghosts of animals and objects, but let’s focus on the human ghosts for now.

Ghosts may be noticed through electromagnetic interference, a drop in temperature, items moving seemingly on their own, unrecognizable whispers or other audio abnormalities, and/or environmental features like fire, water, electricity, and wind behaving rather strangely.

“Ghost Adventures,” a 19-season television show, sends out a crew to investigate hauntings. The crew members commonly have a variety of tools to help them locate ghosts through the avenues mentioned above. They even created their own device called the Extra Investigator Box which detects magnetic, infrared, and other physical events.

If you’re not a star on this Travel Channel show, there are a few household devices that can help detect a ghost. Thermometers, infrared cameras, and motion detectors can be used to detect temperature changes and minimal motion changes. A tape recorder can be used to convert communication outside of our perceptual field into sensations humans can understand.

Ghosts are often believed to be attached to a place, item or person. There are varying stories about why and or how ghosts stick around, but regardless, they often do. Some cultures around the world welcome these ghosts, as they are believed to be visiting family members or other loved ones.

In America, we often do not welcome ghosts and try to rid them from our spaces. If you do suspect a ghost to be in your space and wish to remove them, perhaps helping it to move on, what can you do? There are a few different recommendations from varying sources for getting rid of a ghost. Before I dive into a few, let me provide a word of caution. When dealing with the supernatural, always do your research, be respectful and cautious, and stay aware.

If you’re convinced a ghost is in your space, you might figure out why it’s there in the first place. Some believe a ghost can become attached to an item, location, or person, continually haunting them. Another belief is that a ghost has unfinished business. If possible, determine why a ghost is still lingering and then the more effective course of action would be to help the ghost resolve their business.

However, if it’s impossible to figure out why a ghost is hanging around, there are some possible actions. A popular television series worldwide with 15 seasons in just as many years, “Supernatural,” shows audiences how “hunters” track monstrous creatures and rids them from this earthly plane. “Supernatural” shows perpetuate the idea that ghosts can be temporary eliminated with salt and iron. It is commonly believed that supernatural beings are aversive to salt. If known, hunters will try to salt or burn the bones or item the ghost is attached to.

In addition, ghost-repelling spells are used in “Supernatural” when other avenues of riding a ghost fail to work, along with holy water. A common lore throughout contexts is that ghosts cannot enter or be on holy ground.

Suggestions from entertainment and television should be taken with a grain of salt though (no pun intended). Outside of entertainment, momentary interaction may be recommended.

If you suspect a ghost is frequently hanging around, it may not be malicious. In which case, it is possible to speak directly to them. When talking to a ghost, experts believe it is important to set boundaries, be assertive, respectfully ask them to stop bothering you and confidently let them know that they are not welcome in the space. After interacting, do not do it again.

If a ghost still lingers, it may be best to seek out professional help for a ritual or ceremony. Or, alternatively, remove yourself from the space by moving out.   

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