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Herriman Journal

Herriman community invited to support Hearts of Gold

Dec 01, 2021 02:14PM ● By Jet Burnham

The 2018-19 student government officers prepare for Hearts of Gold charity season. (Photo courtesy of Michael Wilkey.)

By Jet Burnham | [email protected]

The Hearts of Gold charity drive is in full swing at Herriman High School.

“We're so so excited for this year because last year we couldn't really do anything, so we actually have a pretty packed calendar,” student body service officer Peyton Bisquera said. “I feel like everything that we've been wanting to do, we’ve been able to fit it in somewhere.”

Charity events include community nights at restaurants and local businesses, as well as school events, such as an improv comedy night Dec. 10, Mr. Mustang pageant Dec. 13 and performing arts holiday concerts Dec. 7, 8, 14, 15 and 16.

Events and activities will be promoted through Skylert announcements, Instagram @herrimanhigh2022 and at

HHS students will be offering Odd Jobs M-F, 5 p.m.- 8 p.m., from Nov. 28- Dec. 15.

“We go around to every house in the community and just offer to do services for them in exchange for money to go towards our charity,” sophomore class service officer Alayna Wardle said. Sometimes they’re asked to do chores (vacuum a room), or an act of service, (read a book to kids) or to sing a song or do push-ups to earn a donation.

New this year is a partnership with Sponsr, a local fundraising company. Student's family and friends sign up for a promotional appointment with local businesses for services such as solar panels and pest control. Hearts of Gold will receive a donation for each appointment and purchase made.

Students contribute to the charity drive by paying to participate in fundraising activities including sports tournaments (pickleball, spikeball and ping pong), lunch time activities and, new this year, a Questival in which they’ll complete as many activities as they can in a 12-hour period.

“It's really fun because it gets kids involved as well as raises money,” junior class service officer Lexi Berger said. “There really wasn't a lot of chance for involvement last year, but I think the kids are super excited to have something that we can all do together to make a difference.” 

HHS students look forward to Hearts of Gold season.

“We love to just give back,” said Molly Sattar, who became the senior service officer to be more involved in Hearts of Gold.

The money raised this year will benefit four local families who have children with cancer, through the Nixon Strong foundation, to provide prosthetics, pay for funeral expenses and grant wishes for terminal patients.

“We really want the experience where we can make real difference in specific people's lives,” Berger said. “This money will go directly to these kids and we can see the good that it does for them. I think it helps kids realize what you can do when you put in the effort.”

Bisquera said Hearts of Gold benefits the families as well as HHS students, who get caught up in the spirit of giving. 

Wardle believes it is even more important for students to be involved this year.

“There's so much bad in the world and it's a crazy time,” Wardle said. “And when you give to others and help others, it really unites the school because we're all working towards one purpose, to help these families. You kind of forget about the bad and you just focus on all the good and the happy.”

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