Ridge View Elementary adjusts to new size
Sep 10, 2024 01:46PM ● By Jet Burnham
Ridge View Elementary is now a K-third school, which looks and feels different without the fourth-sixth graders who now attend Juniper Elementary.
With 450 fewer students than last year, twelve portable classrooms were removed from the property, freeing up more playground space. All students now have classes inside the main building, and classrooms within each grade are closer together, making planning and collaboration easier
for teachers.
Adjusting to not having older students, who used to serve as safety patrol, lunchroom helpers and bus buddies, has required some rethinking and creative solutions, said Principal Meredith Doleac. However, without the older students, everything is being tailored to younger students.
“With only K-third grade students, it allows us to focus specifically on the needs of younger students, both academically and behaviorally,” Doleac said. “We have adapted some of our programs, routines, and expectations to be better geared and more engaging for younger children.” (Photo courtesy Jet Burnham) λ